The Upper Columbia Cooperative Council (UCCC) provides technical support to our member co-ops, cultivates public awareness, and helps new co-ops find their way.

We are conveners and connectors, working in partnership with the BC Cooperative Association and our member co-ops to support and strengthen co-ops in the South East corner of British Columbia.

Start a Co-op

Start aCo-op

We’ll help you decide if a co-op is right for you, explore the process and create a plan forward. You’ve got the commitment and dedication – we’ve got the expertise!

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Grow aCo-op

Even the most successful co-ops have room to improve, whether in member services, financial management, board development, or strategic planning. It might be time to get some advice on your co-op’s next steps!

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Grow a Co-op
Join a Co-op

Join aCo-op

There are 52 credit unions and cooperatives in Southeastern BC, offering an incredible array of services. Use our online directory of member co-ops to find out how you can live and work more cooperatively!

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The Co-op Council offers training and networking events throughout the year for our members and the public.Visit our facebook page to find upcoming events and the latest news.

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Training & Networking

We provide technical support to our member co-ops, cultivate public awareness, and help new co-ops find their way.

Member Highlights

Nelson & District Credit Union

The mission of the Nelson & District Credit Union is “Enriching lives locally.”  NDCU has a long history. From cash box to community cornerstone, Nelson, Rossland and the East Shore locations have been the local credit unions for decades. Based on a history as an alternative to the banks, NDCU has grown from a modest beginning to an innovative, community-based financial co-operative. They believe their membership is the key to their success.  In 2010, NDCU financial support to the communities it serves topped $3.5 million in funds dispersed through the NDCU Community Investment Program.  This included a donation of 4.5 acres of land to the East Shore community park, $200,000 to support the Community First Health Co-op’s Wellness Centre, and $50,000 to Rossland’s Golden Bear Day Care, just to name a few.

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StellerVista Credit Union

Members of StellerVista Credit Union are also shareholders, which means they get to share in the credit union's profits, and have a genuine stake in the credit union’s future. StellerVista is committed to being a progressive, financially strong, goal-oriented organization that continues to place their members and philosophy first and foremost. The credit union provides valued financial and insurance services, and remains dedicated to their cooperative principles, while operating in a financially sound manner.

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Kootenay Employment Services

Kootenay Employment Services believes that everyone has the right to meaningful employment and that employed citizens build healthy communities.  They work with job seekers, employers, community partners and funders to cultivate genuine and collaborative relationships that contribute to the ongoing growth and integrity of the community by providing dynamic employment and community development services.  KES has something to offer anyone who is considering a career change, investigating retraining or thinking of starting their own business.  They have professional staff available to help individuals develop an action plan, and have the latest information on funding for education and small business starts. They also conduct specialized employment programs for various groups of people. 

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